Thursday, July 7, 2011

I did something kinda crazy tonight... :D

So I got a little ambitious tonight....I went through all of my stockpile upstairs and decided to add it all up.  I wanted to see the fruits of my labor.  I wanted to find out the value.   WOW....was I shocked.  When you add it and add it and add it little by little, it's hard to really see the value.  But wow, when you add it all up at once, you really see the "big picture"!  I added up $2259.88 in products....that's if I had paid retail price for everything.   That's alot of money.  My cost, with my coupons is just $158.82!!!!  Cam you believe it!!!!  That means that I have saved my family $2101.06!!  I am astounded....and overwhelmingly happy!  That means that I have put $2100 back in my family's money!  This is exactly what I needed to keep me going.  This is what I needed to see.  I have people doubt me everyday. I know people that make fun of me for using coupons, or look down their nose at me for carrying in these big ol coupon binders....well look at me now.  $2100 richer and happier!   I want to teach everyone!  I want everyone to be able to save save save too!  I had someone tell me today that I it seems like I am just bragging, but I don't see it as bragging.  I want to teach everyone how to do this, I WANT people to learn and do it themselves too.  I want everyone to feel the awesome feeling of getting things FREE!  I want everyone to have success stories.  I teach people right there in the grocery stores all the time.  I was giving a customer at HEB a lesson today, she was in th line behind me and was asking me a gazillion questions.  I talked her through everything.  See is as you see it, but I want everyone to save just like me.  I think everyone can afford to save money. 

1 comment:

  1. What you are doing is good, Sara. In this economy we all meed to be cash conscious.
