Monday, July 11, 2011

Couponing Partners....I've got mine! Do you have yours?

So I was thinking (watch out!), I want everyone out there to have a couponing partner.  I cannot stress it enough that it is so very important.  I think as humans, we do things better when we have support.  People have always gotten together and done things in numbers.  When you have someone there with you in the store, you feel more confident, you feel more at ease, and you find better deals.  I have found that "finding deals" partner in my friend Heather.  She calls me up, we get our binders, and we head out to get deals!  It works so well.  Even if we go to the stores seperately, we are still coming back and telling each other what deals we get, and what coupons to use, etc.  It works so well.  That support is something that keeps me going.  It keeps me wanting to find all the deals , and wanting to cut my coupons, and wanting to save more money.  Heather and I both consistently save over 75% on our everyday items for our families.  That makes both of us feel incredible! 
And now I have an announcement.......Heather and I have decided to do this whole website, and teaching thing together!  We are now "business partners"!  I am so excited!  So now, when all of you out there come to the Couponing Classes, you won't just be getting my knowledge, you'll be benefitting from Heather's experience too!  Wow - 2 for one!  Heather is an experienced and dedicated couponer!  She is vivacious, and energetic, and fun!  This will be a definite positive!  She has so much to add to the classes and always has great advice.  I hope everyone welcomes her with open arms! 
Thanks Heather for being YOU!

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