Saturday, August 6, 2011

Reorganized my growing stock pile today

You know, I have taught many people to coupon and every time I teach someone they have the same issue.....they can't build a stock pile.  Now I know, stockpiling is not for everyone, but if you don't want to spent all your time hunting deals and browsing the grocery store, then you HAVE to stockpile.  There is no other way to truly benefit from couponing unless you stockpile.  The whole idea is to find the free or insanely cheap items, buy a ton of it, and not have to buy that until it goes on sale again.  If you only buy one or two or even three papers, then that is all the free items you're going to get.  Think about it.  I buy twenty papers every Sunday that there are coupons.  That way, when I do find the free items or insanely cheap items, then I can buy 20 at a time.  For example....I bought 20 Wisk detergents a few weeks ago, I got them for $1.49 each, so I spent $29.80 for all of them, that's less than the $15 I used to spend on 2 Gain detergents.  I have four kids, so we would regularly spend over $30 a month on detergent, which is why I bought 20 Wisk detergents.  That will last for for a LONG time, then I can mark that off my shopping list for months!  That is the idea behind a stockpile.  Find an item free or cheap, then stock up, that way you can mark that OFF your list for months and months!    I will never pay for toothpaste again, ever.  I have over 50 tubes of toothpaste in my closet right now because when I found them for free I bought every one that I could.  That way I won't run out before I can find them for free again. 
       I reorganized my pantry stock pile today.  It was a big task, but I enjoyed every minute of it.  I love seeing the fruits of my labor.  I completely emptied out my pantry, cleaned all the shelves and put everything back all nice and neat.  It was definitely a moments of pleasure for me.  I know that sounds weird, but I love seeing right there in front of me how much money I saved my family.  Everytime I find an item for free it makes me feel like I have accomplished something for my family.  That is one less item that my husband has to worry about paying for.  One less thing.  I love it.  I want to teach everyone to stock pile.  I want to teach people how to have piece of mind and feel at ease.  I am including some pics so everyone can see and enjoy.  Let me teach you to do the same. 

     Once your stockpile starts growing and has all of the essential items, then you don't have to go shopping all the time.  All you have to look out for is free or insanely cheap items.  My grocery list now only includes things like fresh meat and fruit.  Everything else I already have from stockpiling.  I love it.  Here are the pics

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